Who We Are

The mission of Artskool is to democratize art education by sharing learned skills and creating a community that fosters learning.

We believe that great art is made by dedicated artists in the company of peers and mentors. The legends we revere in art history did not become what they did by simply receiving a diploma. The value in their work was created through engagement with their community and their peers. It was time spent chatting in coffee shops discussing societal obstacles, time spent sharing opinions and perspectives, and time spent reflecting on their work means to them.

Through Artskool, we aim to show artists their role as both mentor and student by cultivating a space where art skills can be taught and learned by us - the artists. 

Our goals

  • Currently, we exist as an idea — but isn’t that how most great things start? We are artists working together with a common goal of making things and supporting each other. There is strength in numbers, and nothing exists in a vacuum. While creating our community, we’re able to learn new skills, share tools, and ease the burden of being a solo artist. The future we are aiming for is big, bright, and accessible.

  • The goal of Artskool is to eventually create a space for artists to collectively simulate the art school experience on our own terms. This ultimately means a space to make art, ask questions, and learn from each other through artist-led workshops, gallery shows, art markets, business support, networking, and constructive criticism.


Morgan Westerbeck

Bex Olesek

  • Founder

    Morgan Westerbeck created Artskool after graduating with her own art degree and realizing the lack of community in the arts post grad. While she deeply values her time in school, she realized that ultimately the most cherished aspect of her art education was something that could be replicated for free - peers and mentorship. Community costs us nothing besides collective engagement, effort, and time. It’s possible to create and share together in a way that helps artists grow without the paywall of higher education.


  • Co-Founder

    Bex Olesek is a multidisciplinary artist focusing primarily in illustration and design. As a current art student and gallery worker, she recognized the most powerful and unknown thing about art is it’s accessibility. Art is a communal experience, which she practices primarily through live portrait illustration. As a member of Artskool, she works to provide resources for artists and viewer alike. Art is for everyone.
